 Taylor,Taylor & Hobson Speed Panchro 58mm f2.0

Lens Data

Lens Unit

Lens Photo

レンズ構成 4群6枚
生産開始 1930年代前半と思われる

Composition  4groups 6lenses
start of sales  possibly early 1930th
other data unknown

Lens Impression

Cooke社のホームページ、Vade Mecumともにこの焦点距離のスピード・パンクロには全く言及していないため、未だに正体不明のレンズのままのレンズです。
しかし、シリアル・ナンバーは「20万台」とかなり古く、1930年のSpeed Panchro特許取得直後で、かつOPICレンズの製造中止以前に並行して生産された製品と

Speed Panchroの系譜について少し記載しておきたいと思います。

 1913年 後に非対称ダブルガウスレンズを開発するHorace W LeeがTTH社に入社。
      Speed Panchroに発展するf2.0の大口径レンズ開発と、テクニカラー用のテレフォトタイプを逆配置したテレセントリック型レンズ開発の責任者
 1924年 Leeは初の非対称型ダブルガウスレンズである
OPIC(Cooke Series O)を開発。 
 1930年 最初のSpeed Panchroレンズが開発される。OPICとは外側のレンズ曲率がわずかに異なります。焦点距離は11種類


 1935年 シリーズTと呼ばれる映画撮影用のSpeed Panchroが開発される。焦点距離は8種類(24,28,32,35,40,50,75,108mm)

This Speed Panchro lens has a very rare focal length as 58mm.
This is still the unidentified lens because neither the home page of Cooke Company nor Vade Mecum are referring to the speed panchro lens of this focal length at all.
The serial number is old as 202,xxx and because there are some OPIC lens which has latter number, I estimate this may be produced just after the patent of Speed Panchro in 1931 and before the termination of OPIC.

The description is wonderful. It is very sharp and shows clear description in the closed aperture, but the taste at the full aperture is rather excellent. The focus part is very sharp, but bokeh deepens suddenly in the circumference, and taste of bokeh with a light flow by some aberration is the wonderful which makes the three dimensional feeling of the subject emphasize very much.ow on.

 Photos with Speed Panchro 58mm
Sawara Summer Festival


I visited the Summer Festival in Sawara. It was a severely hot day, I had to finish photographing soon after noon because I almost got heatstroke.
Big Floats were parading around in the historical town along canal whose hot air increase the heat more and more. You can imagine that from the face of a girl on 2nd and 3rd photo.
The second line includes photos of JR Nrita line that surprised me of its deep green scenery.

British Museum

おなじみの大英博物館です。この日は夕方に行きましたので、ちょうど展示室の中に窓から鋭い光が差し込んでいました。このような条件ではコントラストが高くなりすぎて落ち着いた写真は撮れません。このような悪条件の中ですが、Speed Panchro初期レンズは十分な役割を果たしてくれました。1,2枚目では真逆光の暗部となった被写体の顔部分も潰れずにしっか描写しています。一方で室内の柔らかな光の元では、それに合わせるかのように柔らかく表現してくれています。

Ususal British Museum. I went there in late afternoon, strong ray of setting sunshine has coming through the window. It is difficult to take stable photos becuase of too strong contrast. This early Speed Panchro did a sufficient role of good lens under such condition. On the 1st and 2nd photo, it shows good description of faces of people in the complete opposite light. On the other hand, it shows rather soft expression under the mild light of the Museum as seen 3rd to 7th photo.

Wine ワイン

People ひと

Town 街


The whole town was designated as the World Heritage several years ago. This is the very beautiful town where I can feel the medieval atmosphere. Around the town, vineyard where famous chateaus are lining up spreads over. When drinking Bordeaux wine, do you recognize it is from the right bank or the bank of the river of Gironde? There are Pauillac, St-Julien, St-Estephe, Margaux, Medoc and Haut-Medoc in the left bank, and there are St-Emillion and Pomerol in the right bank. Wine from left bank has high ratio of Cabernet-Sauvignon, and wine from right bank has high ratio of the Merlot, so the taste is quite different in both of them. Grave is located in the south and the wine named as just Bordeaux or Bordeaux Superior is mixed gathered from both sides. I like the taste and the fragrance of the Cabernet which smells of matured dust, so I am in the left bank party.
Description of the lens is as you can see in examples. The focus part is sharp and delicate, and various aberration mixed in bokeh are working the main subject surfaced up. When closing the aperture, the whole image becomes so sharp.